Location of Supernova in Centaurus A indicated by green lines.
Location of Supernova SN 2016adj in Centaurus A indicated by green lines. It’s the tiny star next to the very bright (magnitude 8) star.

This is a test image for framing which I took of the prominent Centaurus A galaxy, designated NGC 5128. It was taken using the the T9 remote iTelescope at Siding Springs Observatory in Australia. This is a quick 5 min image taken through a luminance filter. I also captured the Centaurus A supernova.

Called SN 2016adj, it’s a bright supernova discovered by the Backyard Observatory Supernova Search (BOSS).

The supernova is indicated by the green lines. It’s the tiny star next to the very bright (magnitude 8) star.

The Centaurus A galaxy was discovered in 1826 by Scottish astronomer James Dunlop from his home in Parramatta, in New South Wales, Australia. The galaxy is estimated to be a little over 13 million light years away from Earth.


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