PixInsight Tutoring
Let me help you learn how to use PixInsight…
Master PixInsight through personalized one-on-one lessons with me.
Whether you choose to work with your own data or utilize mine, I am here to expedite your journey to becoming a skilled astrophotographer. If you’ve been grappling with PixInsight’s intricacies, let me be your guide. With my tutoring services, you’ll not only acquire invaluable insights into your equipment and data quality but also master a proven, seamless workflow that empowers you to produce top-tier astro images. Feel free to pose questions throughout our sessions, as I tailor each lesson to address your specific needs and objectives. Elevate your astrophotography skills with my dedicated guidance. Contact me today for rates and availability. You can reach me at: [email protected]
Take your image processing to a whole new level like this…
Topics we can discuss but not limited to:
- Basic overview of the Pixinsight workspace and user interface
- Adding processing scripts into PixInsight
- Calibrating, weighting, aligning and stacking to create a master light in WBPP 2.
- How to crop out edge artifacts using the Dynamic Crop tool.
- Auto stretching your master light for processing without making it non-linear
- How to remove additional vignetting and background gradients using Dynamic Background Extraction
- Colour calibrating using the colour calibration tool, photometric colour calibration and the autocolor script
- Linear/non-linear noise reduction.
- Histogram transformation, stretching your image from linear to non-linear
- Removing green cast often present in OSC data
- Star extraction and processing
- Mask creation (star masks, range masks, background masks)
- Fixing washed out details using the HDR Multiscale transform tool
- Local Histogram Equalization
- Colour Saturation
- Curves transformation to boost your deepsky object from the background
- Sharpening image details using Multiscale Linear Transform
- Saving your project
- Saving your image as a JPG to share with family and friends!
Master PixInsight today!
Email me for rates and more details: [email protected]
Turn your astro images from blah to wow…
Master PixInsight today!
Email me for rates and more details: [email protected]
Take your PixInsight image processing to a whole new level with my help! Below are before and after images demonstrating how my processing techniques and lessons can dramatically improve your space photos!
Whether it’s equipment or software setup or PixInsight lessons, get in touch today! [email protected]