I’ve imaged the M81 and M82 galaxies before with other telescopes. These two neighbours form a striking pair in even small telescopes. Both are around 12-million light years away from Earth.M81 and M82 galaxies

Both are quite extraordinary in their own right. From the fantastic spiral structure and detail in M81 which harbours a 70-million solar masses supermassive black hole, to the glowing hydrogen filaments emanating from M82.

I have been interested in trying out my new Orion 10″ f/3.9 Newtonian Astrograph I had acquired over the Winter. Having used a Celestron CPC 800 8in SCT and a Skywatcher Equinox 80mm ED APO Refractor for a few years now, I am curious to see the results.

The data acquisition was done using Nebulosity 3. PHD and the Orion StarShoot AutoGuider for autoguiding. A Baader MPCC (Multi-Purpose Coma Corrector) was used as well, which is a must for any Newtonian, especially fast focal lengths. This will help flatten the field of view, so you’re stars on the outside edge are pin point and not oval shaped.


  • Equipment: Orion 10″ F3.9 Astrograph with Baader MPCC, Skywatcher EQ6 Mount, Canon (modified) 350XT 8MP DSLR.
  • Software: Nebulosity 3 for acquisition, calibration and alignment. PHD for auto guiding.
  • Exposure: Total of 2 hours and 40 minutes / 5min subs.
  • Processed in Photoshop.

This image acquired from a dark site NW of Conestoga Lake, Ontario, Canada.


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