M78 reflection nebula inh Orion

I imaged M78 a Reflection Nebula in Orion using a remote telescope in New Mexico. This data was taken over two nights and is using the luminance data I posted of M78 previous. Its been combined with RGB data to give this colour image. And wow is this region of space colourful!

M78 is about 1,600 light years from Earth. Two 10th magnitude stars located inside the nebula, have their starlight reflected off the dust and small carbon grains within the nebula. This gives the blue colour we see in the image.

To the upper right, the vivid bright glowing red streak, is part of Barnard’s Loop in Orion. An emission nebula. The loop takes the form of a large arc centered approximately on the Orion Nebula.


  • Takahashi FSQ-ED 106mm APO refractor, F5
  • SBIG STL11000M CCD
  • LRGB filters
  • Mount: Paramount GT-1100S
  • 230 minutes / 10min subs (L x 100min, R x 40min, G x 40min, B x 50min)
  • Pixinsight 1.8 calibration and processing
  • Seeing and transparency excellent
  • Imaging location: New Mexico, USA

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