I was up very early this morning, September 3rd, and noticed it was clear out. The clouds had drifted off over night some time. I put my jacket on and went outside to have a look at the sky.
My old friends of the Winter night sky are making their return. You can now see constellations and objects of the Winter months in the early Fall mornings.
I could see Orion the Hunter rising in the east and Auriga along with it’s star Capella. Taurus the Bull and Aldebaran were visible. The Pleiades star cluster as well.
I grabbed my Canon DSLR and took a shot of the Pleiades rising over my roof top. A fun way to start the day, meeting up with old friends!
As always thanks for reading and #clearskies!
My story began more than 40 years ago looking up at the Moon with a small telescope my Father had. Encouraged by my parents, who bought me my very own telescope, a 4.5″ reflector, I began to explore the night sky from my family home backyard. Today I do astrophotography from my home in Kitchener, Ontario and also with remote telescopes located in New Mexico and Australia. Some of my images have won awards and have been featured online and in magazines.
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